Saturday, October 2, 2010

And....we're back!

A lot has happened since our last post, possibly too much to recap, but hopefully from today on we will be sharing our lives more regularly. So here is to more blog posts and our one year anniversary of our move to Austin!


Friday, February 19, 2010

Our First Half-Marathon!

This past weekend, on Valentine day, my wife and I, along with our great friend Mary Ann and Rachel's dad, Mr. Walter, ran and FINISHED the Austin Half-Marathon! For me it was such an incredible experience during and immediately after the race. The sense of accomplishment was surreal and the pain at times was hard to push through, but the energy and will pulled us through. Rachel and I are already planning our next race! Only this time we hope to train all the way through because it no doubt would have made the race a little less daunting before hand. Here are a few a pictures of before and after the race... enjoy!